Welcome to GSM 2024

January 20-25


Important information

To make this event run smoothly, please take a few moments to read through the following sections.


  • Shuttles to and from the Budapest airport will be organized on all arrival and departure days for your scheduled times. Please keep the information in your profile up to date!

  • In the airport arrival hall, you will be welcomed by ground staff with Miltenyi Biotec signs. The shuttle service is organized by a professional agency and the personnel will meet you at your terminal and lead you to the shuttle. They are informed about your travel details and will monitor delays and adapt accordingly.

  • Shuttle schedule for the departures will be available at the welcome desk of the banquet area of the Intercontinental Hotel.

  • For all HQ participants assigned to the group flight, there will be a shuttle from Cologne and Bergisch Gladbach to Frankfurt Airport.

  • If you miss your bus, you are responsilbe for your own ride to the location.

  • All participants with private extentions, have to organize their arrvial to / departure from the hotel themselves.

  • Shuttle time between airport and hotels is approx. 1 hour.


Please note that we are accommodated in three hotels, the Intercontinental, Marriott and the Kempinski Hotel (approx. five to ten-minute walk from each other). You will receive your hotel assignment with your registration confirmation.

First step upon arrival at the hotel will be the check-in:
Please check in at the reception desk. Accommodation will be covered by Miltenyi Biotec directly. Personal expenses, such as mini bar, room service or drinks at the hotel bar, will be debited from your credit card and will not be reimbursed.
For questions or comments, please go to the orga office located at the Intercontinental hotel room Duna Salon II.

The room allocation will be randomly assigned by the hotel reception desks.

Breakfast will be served as follows:
Intercontinental 06:30 - 10:30 am (Corso Restaurant)
Marriott Mo-Sat 06:30 - 11:00 am (BMD Restaurant)
Kempinski: 06:30 - 11:00 am (ÉS Bisztró)

Dinner January, 23rd
The dinner will take place in three different restaurants in walking distance to all of our hotels. Lists for signing up will be ready on January 20th at the hospitality desk for the welcome dinner (Marriott Hotel).


The GSM is a business meeting. We expect all of you to actively participate in all sessions. Being such a large group from all over the world, we would like to ask all of you to get connected, be supportive and helpful to your colleagues and the organizers, share your ideas and experiences and set positive and energetic examples.

Wi-Fi: We have an internet line dedicated to our group in the Intercontinental Hotel. User name: Miltenyi Biotec; Password: GSM_2024!
Outside dining & drinks: Have to be paid privately and will not be reimbursed.
Daily allowances: Please keep in mind, that there will be no daily allowances paid for the business trip to Budapest starting with dinner on January 20 till breakfast January 25. Any cost for masks or corona tests will not be paid by the company. We have tests and masks available if needed in the orga office located at the Intercontinental hotel room Duna Salon II.

Due to cost reasons there will be no karaoke room this year. Please note that the bar, restaurant and minibar charges will not be covered by Miltenyi.

As every year, we will take a group photo. This will take place on Tuesday, 22nd of January before the dinner at the Museum of Fine Arts.

For all President's Club winners, a group photo with the jackets will be taken on the terrace of the Marriott Hotel (Budapest Ballroom) on Tuesday, 22nd of January at 1:30pm. Please make sure you pick up your jackets until then at the orga office in room Duna II/ Intercontinental hotel.

Dress Code

Award dinner: formal attire. Make sure you take your coat and your name badges, as you will be shuttled to the location. Your name badge is the ticket to get in.
All other GSM 2024 days will be business casual.


Please be reminded that it’s winter season in Budapest. Temperatures might drop to -2°C (28°F). Make sure to bring along appropriate clothing, including firm shoe wear, and a warm jacket.

If you feel not well during the GSM 2024, please contact the orga team at the orga office located in the Intercontinental Hotel room Duna Salon II.


Download agenda

GSM 2024 Agenda

Please be aware that sessions will not be recorded.

Additional information agenda

  • As in the last years, our teams have travelled and come together from all over the world to share and discuss new products, workflows and strategies.

  • Please stick to the times indicated in the agenda.

  • Please note that we decided to "going green". Thus, no printed agenda will be provided.

InterContinental Budapest

Budapest, Apáczai Csere János utca 12-14
1052 Budapest


Contact information

Please direct any open questions to:

General organization: Annabella Brohl +49 151 1179 4850

Exhibition: Beate Lechner +49 151 1715 1851

Shuttle: Bianca Müller +49 151 2034 4418

Agenda and sessions: Inken Kipker +49 151 5517 8253

In case of emergencies outside of the hotel please contact:

  • Emergency Number: 112